
This privacy policy applies to you as a visitor or a customer at Valkyrr.


Your Personal Information and How We Use It

At Valkyrr, safeguarding your personal information is our top priority. We collect and process your data with your privacy and security in mind, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Below, we outline our privacy practices, including the types of information we collect, how we use it, and your rights regarding your data.

Legal Basis for Processing

We may process your personal data based on one or more of the following legal bases:

  • Med dit samtykke
  • For the performance of a contract or to prepare a contract
  • To comply with legal obligations
  • Pursuant to our legitimate interests

Dine personlige oplysninger

We collect essential contact information such as your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, and similar details to provide the products or services you've purchased from us. This includes sending order confirmations, updates on product status, and operational information related to your purchase.

When processing payments, we collect your card details, name, and IP address solely for transactional purposes and to fulfill our contractual obligations. Additionally, we may collect your social security number for domain registration if required by domain administrators. We utilize your contact information to deliver effective customer service and support, including responding to inquiries and identifying customer accounts. We may also use your data to communicate important updates regarding your products or services, such as subscription renewals or account maintenance.

Udvikling og markedsføring

Furthermore, we rely on your data to develop, market, and enhance our products and services, as well as for troubleshooting and administrative purposes.

Adgangskoder og IP-logning

To ensure security, customer passwords are securely stored either encrypted or as hash values. We log IP addresses to detect unauthorized use, abuse, or any activities violating our policies or laws.

Fraud Detection

We employ payment verification systems to detect and prevent fraud. Certain personal data may be analyzed by specialized fraud protection companies during transactions, resulting in a fraud score based on automated processing.

Sharing Your Personal Information

We never sell your information to third parties. Within Valkyrr, data may be shared within the EU for analysis and internal management purposes. We may also disclose personal data to partners and suppliers, such as fraud prevention services, survey providers, etc., solely for operational needs and in compliance with our instructions.


Når du bruger kreditkort til betaling, bruger vi betalingsudbyderen Stripe, Inc.

Tracking og markedsføring

Vi bruger personoplysninger til at udvikle, markedsføre og forbedre vores produkter og tjenester samt til fejlfinding og administrative formål.


Vi opretholder strenge sikkerhedsforanstaltninger for at forhindre uautoriseret adgang til dine data, at sikre, at kun nødvendigt personale har adgang, og at vores sikkerhedsprotokoller regelmæssigt revideres. SSL/TLS-certifikater anvendes til sikker datatransmission.

Sletning af data

Vi sletter personlige oplysninger, når de ikke længere er nødvendige til de formål, de blev indsamlet. Visse data kan dog opbevares i forbindelse med juridiske eller kontraktmæssige forpligtelser. Du har ret til at få adgang til, rette eller slette dine data, og vi opfordrer dig til at bruge vores kontrolpanel til sådanne anmodninger. Som registreret bruger har du ret til at få adgang til, rette eller slette dine personlige oplysninger. Du har også ret til at gøre indsigelse mod databehandling og indgive klager til databeskyttelsesmyndighederne.

Kontakt os

Har du spørgsmål eller bekymringer, så tøv ikke med at kontakte os via e-mail.

Ændringer af politik

Valkyrr forbeholder sig ret til om nødvendigt at ændre og opdatere denne politik.