Vilkår og Betingelser

We offer stable and powerful Minecraft servers at competitive prices. Multi-language support, lots of unique features that allow you to control your server. You can also easily install mods and plugins.


We may collect the following information:

  • Disse vilkår beskriver aftalen for vores samarbejde på
  • They apply to all our agreements once you've agreed to them.
  • If you're an individual, consumer terms apply to our agreement.
  • We can change these terms without notice, but the updated terms will always be available on our website. Significant changes will be communicated 30 days in advance.


We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

  • Terms mean these terms.
  • Valkyrr refererer til os,
  • Solution encompasses all that we offer you.
  • Parties refer to you and us.
  • Account is your account with us, where you manage your solutions.
  • Subscription Agreement is used for purchasing web hosting services on our website.
  • Traffic refers to internet traffic to and from your solution through our infrastructure.


Prices on our website are typically displayed in EUR/DKK/SEK. VAT is always displayed on the website. Payment is usually made online. When upgrading, you pay the price difference for the remaining original term. The new price is invoiced separately from the next billing period. When downgrading, you still pay the original price until the next billing period, when the new price takes effect. We rectify errors, change prices, and handle delivery issues from our suppliers.


We initiate the establishment of your solution upon receiving your payment. To establish an agreement, you must be of legal age, have consent from a legal guardian, or be a registered company. After establishment, we send you an email with information about your solution and any instructions.


The person whose information is on the account with us owns the account and the associated solutions. Anyone with access to your account can manage the solutions. Updating account information automatically designates the respective person as the owner of the solution.

Hosting vilkår (Generelt)

  • A subscription agreement typically runs for 1, 3, 6, or 12 months from the day the hosting service is ordered. The agreement can be extended at expiry.
  • If the subscription agreement is not extended, it expires on the specified date. After expiration, data can no longer be accessed, and two weeks after the expiration date, the product and associated data are deleted, after which the agreement is considered terminated.

Brug af hosting

  • Our solutions are primarily for game servers for individuals and businesses. Use for storing large file archives for download or streaming requires prior agreement.
  • We continuously assess scripts and programs to prevent overload or downtime. We reserve the right to temporarily close access to the service as needed, even if the customer is not responsible for the misuse.

Kundeansvar (Generelt)

  • Kunden skal overholde god skik og orden ved anvendelse af vores netværk og servere. God skik og orden betyder bredt fortolket at kunden ikke må bruge Valkyrr's ydelser til at bryde dansk lovgivning og genere andre virksomheder eller privatpersoner.
  • Du skal holde dine oplysninger opdaterede, herunder adresse, kontaktoplysninger og faktureringsoplysninger.
  • Du skal overholde alle gældende love og bestemmelser i dit fortagne ved brug af vores tjenester, og du er ansvarlig for det indhold, du sender og modtager.

Vores forpligtelser

We generally give you the freedom to manage your own content, but we reserve the right to suspend your solution without notice if we believe the content is illegal or infringes on others' rights.

Vores rettigheder

Vi kan suspendere din løsning uden varsel, hvis du overtræder disse betingelser. Vi har den ultimative autoritet til at definere, hvad der udgør misbrug.


Vi er ansvarlige i henhold til dansk lovgivning, men kompensation er begrænset til betaling for tjenesten. Vi stræber efter 24/7 tilgængelighed, men vi er ikke ansvarlige for visse tabssituationer.

Overdragelse af rettigheder

Vi kan overføre vores rettigheder og forpligtelser i henhold til denne aftale efter at have givet dig besked på forhånd. Du kan ikke nægte samtykke til overførslen uden gyldig grund.

Opsigelse og ophør

You have a 14-day withdrawal period when setting up a game server. Subscription agreements are prepaid and automatically terminated upon expiry.

Handling of Personal Data

We process your personal data in accordance with a data processing agreement, which you can request via the control panel. We take necessary security measures to protect your information.


We offer unlimited support via our online support system. You can file a complaint through our online support system.